Presberg deserves a shot at leading BoE


I find the write-up by the editor and publisher of The Citizen, Cal Beverly, interesting but slanted towards one political (or single community) mindset. However, it has confirmed my suspicion about the columnists and letter writers who are frequently published in The Citizen.

Mr. Beverly is almost apoplectic about the settlement reached by the Fayette Board of Education and the county NAACP regarding district-wide voting.

It seems to me that he does not want to spare any expense in litigation to defend “the values,” beliefs and dominance of the conservative (Republican) majority in Fayette County.

Whose money will be used to defend the at-large voting in Fayette County? The money belongs to all citizens of the county but is disbursed as the conservative majority sees fit, irrespective of the wishes of the “liberal minority.”

District representation ensures that the BOE “hears” the opinions of the very small minorities within the various districts thus allowing for a truly representative democratic process.

I am intrigued by the numerous labels used by Mr. Beverly to describe the new BOE chairman: militant atheist, political neophyte, irreligious, secular humanist, etc.

It annoys the latter that Mr. Leonard Presberg was not elected but handpicked by other board members. This procedure must have a legal basis; otherwise, all members of the board should be hauled before a judge to defend this action.

If a white male conservative Republican, but a political neophyte had been so selected, would Mr. Beverly be this concerned?

Such a selection would be seen to be the “right choice” since it is anticipated that other members of the board will keep him in line, thereby preserving those values, beliefs and the dominance of the Republican Party. Need one indicate that this is what authoritarian or dictatorial entities do?

We have been told what is absent in Mr. Presberg’s résumé but not those qualifications that are pertinent to serving as a member of the BOE board. Let us also know what pertinent qualifications are possessed by the conservative Republican board members.

I believe that there are some non-white non-Republican, non-Democratic county citizens with appropriate qualifications to serve on the board of education. And I mean citizens who pay taxes in the county, have a child or a couple of children in the county’s schools, share the “values” of the county and able to “make decisions of profound importance to our children and their future.” But such citizens are not cut from the right cloth and will always be suspect.

I understand that it is difficult for conservatives to move with the times while keeping their values and beliefs. But I would ask that those feeling threatened to realize that new citizens to the county or resident non-conservatives have good reasons for living here, identify with the continuing challenges in the county and are as patriotic as the next conservative Republican.

Allow Mr. Presberg, atheist or religious, to show that he is unqualified for and ineffective at this position and then use the usual recourse to effect a change.

Please note also that Fayette NAACP has members drawn from the county who have concerns regarding representative democracy and educational governance in the county.

P.I.A. Awachie, Ph.D.

Fayette County, Ga.