Annual college fair coming to CEC on Oct. 3


The 2011 “Probe” college fair will be held this Monday, Oct. 3, 6-8 p.m. at the Central Educational Center (CEC) in Newnan.

The annual Probe Fair is open to all Coweta County high school students, and features representatives from 70 universities colleges and technical schools, with admissions materials available for interested students. 

“Representative and admissions counselors from several post-secondary schools will be here to talk to students about what they have to offer, so I hope students and parents can attend and take advantage of the event,” said Nora Ann Wood, CEC head counselor.

PROBE is sponsored each year by the Georgia Education Articulation Committee, Inc., in order to disseminate information and stimulate interest in post-secondary education for the students in Georgia.

More information about this year’s PROBE Fair at CEC is available in high school counselors’ offices at East Coweta, Newnan and Northgate High Schools, or by calling Wood at 678-423-2000.