Bond throws himself into role


Casey Bond has seen “Moneyball” and says it is a great movie. He may be a little biased. After all, the Starr’s Mill High School graduate and former draft pick of the San Francisco Giants is in the film as Oakland A’s relief pitcher Chad Bradford. You don’t need to take his word for it though. There are 20 reviews on and 17 consider the film fresh, giving it an average of 7.8 out of 10.

“Moneyball,” which stars Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill and Philip Seymour Hoffman, among others, is about the A’s and their general manager, Billy Beane (Pitt), taking on conventional wisdom in Major League Baseball and going after bargain players that can get on base and score runs. Bradford (played by Bond) was a sidearm type pitcher whose unusual mechanics made him difficult to face as a relief pitcher.

Bond filmed “Moneyball” last summer and bonded with his castmates much like baseball players bond with their teammates.

Since wrapping the film, he has filmed some commercials, done some print work and has been involved with doing motion capture performances with video games.

“These super expensive cameras are filming every move and it is really fun to do and see how it comes out on playback,” Bond said.

Last week, he was at the Toronto Film Festival at the world premiere of “Moneyball.” The film has received a great response thus far and will go nation-wide this week. At the premiere, Bond viewed the film with his castmates and got to ride to dinner afterwards with David Justice, one of the characters in the film who was invited by the actor who portrayed him.

“That was fun for me, just because of the Atlanta Braves connection,” Bond said. he added that Justice thought the baseball in the film came across perfectly.
Bond is traveling to several more screenings of the film this week and will go to one at his alma mater, Lipscomb University, for one later this week. He is looking forward to seeing the film again, especially now that he is getting used to seeing himself on the big screen.

To stay up to date with what Bond is up to, visit, find him on Facebook or follow him on Twitter @caseybond.