Tyrone tables fire station sewer deal


The Tyrone Town Council at the Sept. 1 meeting voted unanimously to table an agreement with Fayette County pertaining to the provision of sewer service to the prospective fire station to be located on Jenkins Road and Ga. Highway 74. The decision related to several needed changes to the agreement that was approved in May.

The agreement from May stated that Tyrone would provide sewer service to the new fire station. The county subsequently asked that such service include a 1,000 gallon per day provision. Mayor Don Rehwaldt proposed that incremental amounts over the 1,000 gallons, if used, would come with a surcharge. For example, exceeding the maximum by 100 gallons or less per day would be accompanied by a $200 surcharge.

The discussion on the topic resulted in the call for changes to the sewer agreement and tabling it until the next meeting so that minor changes such as the inclusion of the physical description of the property, additional language specifying sewer use by a fire station and a typing correction could be made.

Also at the meeting, the council voted to adopt an ordinance based on a new state law that permits the Fayette County 911 service to collect a fee from pre-paid wireless services. The 75-cent fee from point-of-sale retailers will be passed on to the town, according to Town Manger Richard Newbern.