Girl Scouts hold successful drive


Girl Scout Troop 19341 had a successful hygiene drive benefitting Stand Up For Kids, an organization that provides showers, support and an occasional hot meal to homeless juveniles in metro Atlanta.

Through this drive, the girls collected about 5,000 travel-size hygiene items. These items enabled the girls to create 202 hygiene packets and over 600 mini-packets.

Stand Up For Kids was happy to receive the packets, as the difference between getting a job or not could be the appearance of the applicant. And that job makes the difference between living on the street or off.

In keeping street kids clean, the scouts of Troop 19341 earned their Silver award, a multi-step honor that requires 50 hours of service. The girls would like to thank the community for donating their spare soaps, shampoos, razors and other travel-size items at their local World Gyms and their churches.

Liza Ruzicka

Peachtree City, Ga.