Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran will offer Godly Play Workshop


Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church, 101 N. Peachtree Pkwy, Peachtree City, invites Christian educators and Sunday School teachers to a Godly Play Workshop, Saturday, Aug. 13, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Godly Play is sometimes tagged “Montessori Comes to Church.”

This workshop would be beneficial whether one is new to the curriculum or a seasoned storyteller.

The day includes theory, practice, and conversation with the guest presenter, Betsy Hawthorne of Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church, Chattanooga, Tenn. Addressed will be: core components of the curriculum, experiencing a full Godly Play session, and discussing several topics of importance to churches of all sizes.

The cost is $25 per person, $15 per person if more than one person attends from the same church. Breakfast and lunch are included. Registration deadline is Tuesday, Aug. 9. Contact Candace Robichaux, 770-487-8717 or [email protected] to register.