Don Barron, a resident of Peachtree City since 1976 has written and published a book called “The Skypilot.” Born in a family of 40 ministers on his mother’s side and seven airline pilots on his father’s side, Barron became a preaching pilot, ordained with the Assemblies of God and flying 747 captain for TWA.
Shorty after moving to Peachtree City, Barron became the founding pastor of the Fayette Fellowship Church of Peachtree City, which later changed its name to Trinity Fellowship and moved to Sharpsburg. He later founded and pastored Calvary Temple, located on Robinson Rd.
A long-time resident of Peachtree City, Don has been a guest lecturer on ten major cruises from Bangkok to Beijing, Fort Lauderdale to Amsterdam, Canada to the Panama Canal, and Los Angeles to Hawaii.
Whether flying at mach .85 or sailing at 19 knots, his life has been an adventure that is wonderfully recounted and relived in his book.
Captain (Rev.) Barron will sign copies of “The Skypilot” at the Peachtree City Library on Saturday, June 18, beginning at 10 a.m.. The public is invited, and refreshments will be served. For more information, contact the Friends of the Peachtree City Library at [email protected].
Copies of the book, “The Skypilot” can be purchased through or Kindle.