Mr. and Miss McIntosh crowned


McIntosh High School held its second annual scholarship competition on Mar. 16 and 18 at McIntosh High School.  Contestants represented a wide variety of clubs, organizations, and teams from the high school.  Students won a range of $500 – $1,500 in scholarship money. The students were scored on interviews with a panel of judges, talent in front of a live audience, grades, evening wear, and a 30 second final question.

Winners were as follows:

2nd Runner Up Mr McIntosh – Robert Rodriguez

1st Runner up Mr McIntosh – Jonathan Campbell

Mr McIntosh 2011 – Nathan Pearson

2nd Runner- Up Miss McIntosh  – Rachel Denny

1st Runner- Up Miss McIntosh – Kim Leoffler

Miss McIntosh 2011- Caitlin Burk

People’s Choice Award – Taylor Steen

Miss Congeniality – Hannah Herndon

Most Talented – Hannah Herndon

Best Interview – Caitlin Burk