PTC UMM will deliver pine straw, fertilizer next week


The United Methodist Men at Peachtree City United Methodist Church are still taking orders for their annual fertilizer and pine straw sales. Delivery will be next week, Saturday, March 5 and Saturday, March 12.

For the last 32 years the Peachtree City United Methodist Men have been selling fertilizer, lime and pinestraw to help various charities and ministries. This year a complete army of men, more than 100, are ready for the door to door campaign. Chairman of the event is Butch Hill.

Last year the group sold more than 300 bags of fertilizer, 300 bags of lime and 3,500 bales of pine straw to more than 600 customers. The men have become quite adept at advising what products are needed for particular lawns and gardens and can heo customers make the right choices.

The products are purchased wholesale in semi truckloads and are competitively priced. Delivery is free.

Those who want their pine straw spread may make arrangements with the PTCUMC Boy Scouts who will spread it for 50 cents per bale. To place an order, call 770-364-3500.