East F’ville Bypass pondered by county


There just might be enough money left from Fayette County’s 2003 Transportation SPLOST to fund right-of-way acquisition for the East Fayetteville Bypass, the county commission was told in a workshop last week.

County Public Works Director Phil Mallon said the right of way cost is projected at $9.2 million but could be substantially lower if the commission decides to use existing roads to avoid the need for a new road segment.

The East Fayetteville Bypass was initially planned to run from Jeff Davis Road along the path of County Line Road, then accessing a new road that would be built through part of The Links golf course and northwards to Ga. Highway 54, where it would use the existing Corinth Road to reach Ga. Highway 85.

The county could also choose to use existing roads exclusively, which would mean motorists would drive on a segment of Hwy. 54 before turning left onto Corinth Road. The commission also needs to decide if it wants to buy enough right of way to allow a future expansion to four lanes, or whether it will keep the project at two lanes.

The commission is expected to discuss the matter further at its annual retreat this Friday and Saturday.

Mallon also noted that the reason the northern end of the bypass couldn’t come in at the intersection of Ga. highways 279 and 85 is because of the impact to a cemetery and also a shopping center. Instead it will end on Ga. Highway 85 at Corinth Road, just south of the 279/85 intersection.

A Fayette resident had suggested the bypass should start further west at Hwy. 85 South, but county staff said doing so would involve taking the road through several subdivisions.

Building the bypass will be an interesting initiative since part of the construction will occur within the jurisdiction of Clayton County. Commission Chairman Herb Frady said he hoped to have a discussion about the issue with his counterpart in Clayton, Eldrin Bell.

Commissioner Steve Brown asked staff to look into finding a way to consolidate access points for the numerous homes and subdivisions along the bypass, as some residents otherwise might find it difficult to come and go along the new road.