Commission approves access road to new Lake McIntosh dam


The Fayette County Commission at a special called meeting Dec. 29 voted 4-1 on a resolution that allows for the acquisition of property that will essentially follow the extension of TDK Boulevard for use as an access road to the Lake McIntosh dam.

The vote to acquire the property gives the county the ability to negotiate with Peachtree City and Pathway Communities, the primary property owners, to acquire the 80-foot right-of-way needed for the access road, commissioners said. The length of the roadway, from where TDK Boulevard ends, is approximately 3,600 feet.

The route of the access road is bordered by Falcon Field immediately to the south. Some existing county water lines now running through airport property will need to be relocated a short distance to the north in proximity to the access road right-of-way, said County Administrator Jack Krakeel.

Commissioners said a functional access road is needed for the new dam’s construction and ongoing maintenance issues since the current entrance to the dam area is heavy duty construction access, commissioners said, adding that the county could eventually install a public parking area near the dam for a possible boat ramp and a small passive park.

Krakeel said the access road will end at the lake, stressing that the roadway will not extend all the way to Line Creek, nor will the dam be constructed as a transit bridge for vehicles.

To date, the only work being performed in the dam area of the long-anticipated Lake McIntosh is sub-surface work, said Krakeel. It is expected to take a year to complete the dam, he said.

The vote to proceed with the property acquisition was 4-1. Pertaining to Commissioner Eric Maxwell’s lone “no” vote, the outgoing commissioner said Thursday that he had discussed his position with the board during executive session.

“I had a difference of opinion,” Maxwell said

In another issue related to the called meeting, commissioners-elect Allen McCarty and Steve Brown attended and, once the vote had been taken to go into executive secession, Brown posed a question to Chairman and outgoing Commissioner Jack Smith.

Brown asked if he and McCarty could stay for the closed portion of the meeting since the two had already been sworn in. Smith indicated in response that they could not.

“You could invite us to stay,” said Brown.

“No, I’m not,” Smith replied emphatically.

Nothing more was said.