Healthcare forum was Tea Party rally


On Oct. 28, my husband and I attended what was advertised in your paper as a “healthcare forum” for seniors at the Peachtree City Hall.

Upon arriving it was soon evident to us it was a Tea Party Rally and had very little to do, except for 5 minutes or so of a presentation by Linda Mulligan, with our choices in the upcoming Medicare enrollment period.

At the entry table Nathan Deal and Tea Party propaganda were all that was available and nothing was provided for seniors to assist them with choices. It was a nasty and angry group of folks just being told by Tea Party activists they were losing everything due to ObamaCare.

This is not what I came to hear. I have my own mind and know for a fact that ObamaCare does not mean “seniors are losing their doctors” nor does it threaten seniors’ ability to keep their own doctor.

Some doctors have said they may stop accepting Medicare. This is nothing new to seniors and didn’t happen due to the healthcare law. Physicians have been dropping Medicare since 1998.

In their presentations, both Dr. Brian Hill and Ron Bachman provided only scare figures about the recently enacted healthcare law. They didn’t provide true history or facts about the reason some doctors are receiving less to take care of Medicare patients.

Medicare benefits’ scheduled payment cuts are being set in motion by a law from 1997 (Bush Sr. was president if I recall). None of this factual information was provided to the scared and often screaming crowds of seniors incited by our speakers and moderators. Shame on them for using a scare tactic of this magnitude and in this forum.

Dr. Hill and Ron Bachman should have provided accurate information to these folks. They don’t have the right to use a City Hall to falsely inform citizens.

Hopefully the panel will use this to be sure they quit telling lies to their audience.

Jeanie Fusaro

Peachtree City, Ga.