Peachtree City UPDATES Week of September 27


Peachtree City crime rate, City Council meetings, pumpkins, concerts, and more…

Peachtree City Crime Rate – Still the Lowest!
The FBI’s 2009 Uniform Crime Report is out, and Peachtree City still has the lowest crime rate for Class B cities in the state. Class B cities have a population between 25,000 and 49,999, and includes other cities such as Kennesaw, Lawrenceville, and Rome. In 2009, Peachtree City reported 188 Part 1 crimes (violent crimes and property crimes) per 10,000 citizens. Coming in a close second was Kennesaw, with 193 Part 1 crimes per 10,000 citizens. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s analysis of the data last week, Peachtree City also retained the lowest crime rate of all Metro Atlanta cities with a population of 10,000 or more.

Nelsons Featured in Georgia Trend
Peachtree City residents Ray and Louise Nelson, founders of Guitars Not Guns, are featured in the September issue of Georgia Trend magazine. By the end of 2010, more than 2,000 at-risk youths will have graduated from the program. To learn more about the non-profit music education program, go to

Controlled Burn Slated Thursday at Atlanta Regional Airport – Falcon Field
The Peachtree City Fire Department and the Georgia Forestry Commission will hold a controlled burn on Thursday, September 30, at Atlanta Regional Airport – Falcon Field beginning at 1:00 p.m. Call the Fire Department at 770-631-2526 with any concerns.

Outdoor Burning Allowed October 1 – Permit Required
The state-mandated ban on outdoor burning ends September 30. Residents must obtain a burning permit at . The page will indicate if burning is allowed on a specific day based on weather conditions and provide the instructions and rules for outdoor burning.

CLOSED Means CLOSED – At Least on the Cart Paths
Sections of the golf cart paths are occasionally closed for repairs, maintenance, and paving. During those times, heavy equipment and dump trucks are often in the area, creating the potential for safety issues. Please respect the closures and find another path to travel during those times. Path # 1204 between Battery Way and Windgate Road will be periodically closed this week depending on the weather.

Pumpkin Sale Starts Saturday
The Peachtree City Fire Department’s annual Pumpkin Sale begins Saturday afternoon, October 2, at Leach Station 81 (on Paschall Road at Highway 74 South) and at Weber Station 83 (Peachtree Parkway south of Crosstown). Funds raised help to purchase equipment for the department and Volunteer Firefighters’ Association.

Council Workshop on 2011 Survey & Retreat
The Peachtree City Mayor and City Council will hold a workshop on Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 6:30 p.m., at City Hall to discuss the 2011 Citizen Survey and topics for the spring City Council Retreat. The public is welcome.

October 7 Council Meeting – Cell Towers, Land Use & Zoning Maps
On October 7, the Peachtree City Mayor and Council will consider a new Cell Phone Tower Ordinance and will consider adopting new Land Use and Zoning Maps for the City. The agenda also includes a request to amend the LUC-20 zoning for Somerby to reallocate the types of units for seniors to be developed — no increase is planned for the number of units. The meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, and the public is welcome. Residents can also watch the meeting live or on-demand at The complete agenda will be available on Friday, October 1, after 5:00 p.m. at

Traffic Advisory – Deer are Here!
Our wooded, natural environment in Peachtree City makes us especially attractive to wildlife. As we enter October, it’s a good time for drivers to be more cautious to avoid accidents with deer, which are especially active this time of year. The Peachtree City Police Department has developed a list of tips to help avoid accidents with deer at .

Kedron Pools Closed October 4 – 17
The swimming pools at Kedron Fieldhouse & Aquatic Center will be closed from October 4 – 17 for general maintenance and to put up the bubble. The Fieldhouse will remain open during this time, and the pools will reopen for normal hours on October 18.

New Maps by Year End
Peachtree City will have a new, full color street and path map available by the end of the year. The Fayette County Chamber of Commerce is also reprinting their Fayette County map, and local businesses interested in advertising can contact the Chamber at 770-461-9983.

Halloween Haunted House Planned
The Peachtree City Fire Department will host their annual Haunted House on two weekends – October 22 & 23 and October 29 & 30. More information will be included in next week’s UPDATES.

Project Updates
MacDuff Parkway Tunnel Connection – Staff continues to work to obtain the necessary easements for this project.
Rockaway Road Realignment – The new intersection is open, but the DOT continues to work on this intersection (final grading, lanes, and permanent signal heads with left turn arrows for traffic from Holly Grove and Rockaway). The DOT has not given an estimated completion date, but the entire widening project is scheduled for completion by December 2011. TRAFFIC ADVISORY: All Drivers – please continue to use extra caution in this area during construction. Parents and students going to Starr’s Mill/Rising Starr/Peeples may want to use Redwine Road until the intersection improvements have been completed.

Don’t Forget . . .
Starr’s Mill High School Homecoming Parade – Friday, October 1, 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Parade, which will include the Panther Pride Marching Band, will start at Braelinn Elementary School, proceed south on Robinson Road to Redwine Road, and end at the school. TRAFFIC ADVISORY.

Movies in the Park at The Avenue: Monsters vs. Aliens – Friday, October 1. Free movie night at Fridays at The Avenue shopping center gazebo area. Enjoy complimentary children’s entertainment beginning at 6:00 p.m., followed by the movie at dusk (please bring a blanket, no chairs please). Popcorn on sale for $1 with 100% of the proceeds being donated to Fayette County Children at Risk in Education.

Southern Crescent Alzheimer’s Memory Walk – Saturday, October 2, at the Frederick Brown, Jr. Amphitheater parking lot. Team registration begins at 8:00 a.m., 5K Walk/Run starts at 9:30 a.m. Participants come from a seven-county region on Atlanta’s south side. Free music, entertainment, door prizes, & food. All monies raised stay in Georgia to fight Alzheimer’s and provide education and programs for its victims and their caregivers! For more information, go to .

Neighborhood Forum – Saturday, October 2, 10:00 a.m. – noon, at Peachtree City City Hall. Peachtree City and the Peachtree City Civic Association (PTCCA) will hold a neighborhood forum entitled, “Empower Your Neighborhood.” The seminar will include information on Homeowner Association issues (forming HOAs, collecting dues, renewing covenants, and addressing liability issues), as well as presentations from PTCCA and the City on ways to stay informed about and participate in community issues that affect your neighborhood. Register online at . Neighborhoods do not currently need to be members of PTCCA to have a representative participate in the program.

From Truth to Art: A Memoir Workshop – Saturday, October 2, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. at the Peachtree City Library. The Friends of the Peachtree City Library are sponsoring this program conducted by Sara De Luca, author of Dancing the Cows Home: A Wisconsin Girlhood, and Carol Ward Wilson, author of A Handful of Rain. Space is limited and pre-registration is strongly encouraged. Please register with Paul Lentz at or call him at 404-376-0237.

Charity Christian Concert featuring DOWNHERE @ The Fred – Saturday, October 2. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Holy Trinity Council 8081, all proceeds benefit the Council’s designated charities. Downhere with Chris Sligh and Finding Favour, special guests Open24 and Second Chance featuring Joyce Gruschow. Gates open at 6:00 p.m., Concert starts at 7:00 p.m. Tickets $15. Visit for tickets.

Free Family Bike & Hike at Line Creek Nature Area – Sunday, October 3, 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. Join Southern Conservation Trust and enjoy nature, prizes, food, and fun at Line Creek. Family/beginner ride, intermediate ride (helmets required for both rides), and guided hike. Visit to register and for more information. Rain Date is October 17.