Peachtree City UPDATES – Week of August 16


Traffic advisories for Highway 74 South, Millage Hearings, and Cell Phone Towers (again).

City Council Meeting, Thursday, August 19
The agenda includes the new Telecommunications Towers and Antennas Ordinance (or extending the moratorium on new cell tower applications if the ordinance is not approved), the final public hearing for the 2010 millage rate, along with setting the millage rate and adopting the 2011 budget. The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, and the public is welcome.

TRAFFIC ADVISORY for HWY 74 South (August 27-29)
The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) will close Highway 74 South completely between Rockaway Rd and Redwine Rd for drainage work on Friday evening, August 27, and reopen the roadway very early Monday morning, August 30. The detour will be Holly Grove Rd to Robinson Rd and Redwine Rd. View detour map at .

TRAFFIC ADVISORY (ONGOING) – Holly Grove Rd/Hwy 74 South
Due to the widening project, the sensor loops at Highway 74 South and Holly Grove were damaged and have been set on fixed time. Delays will be expected until loops can be repaired/replaced (which may not occur until the project is complete in 2012).

Flood Maps & Flood Insurance
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) published new flood hazard maps for Fayette County in 2008. If you are thinking of refinancing or selling your home and you are near a special flood hazard area, the City recommends that you have a new elevation certificate completed by a surveyor.

Because the majority of flood damages occur outside of mapped flood hazard areas, a separate flood insurance policy is a good idea. View the FEMA floodplain maps online. The City has also studied exitsting and future conditions floodplains throughout the City and has these maps available for review in the Engineering Department at 153 Willowbend Road.

Outdoor Water Use Restrictions
The Fayette County Board of Commissioners adopted water restrictions in the Georgia Water Stewardship Act last week, changing some of the times for outdoor water use. Under the act, watering of plants is now permitted any day of the week, but not between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. All other outdoor water use must continue to follow the odd/even schedule (odd street addresses on Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday; even street addresses on Monday/Wednesday/Saturday; No water use on Fridays except the newly authorized watering of plants before 10:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m.).

New Peachtree City Holiday Ornament
The Peachtree City Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) has ordered a new commemorative holiday ornament for 2010, which will be available beginning September 1. The price is $15, and the ornaments will be sold at City Hall and at the CVB Visitors Center on McIntosh Trail. View ornament design at .

Fall Army Worms doing local damage
The Recreation Department reports that Fall Army Worms have been doing some damage to sports fields, and residents may see these pests in yards as well. The damage they do usually is not permanent. If you spray or put out pesticides for these worms, please follow instructions carefully. For more information, visit .

Volunteers Needed – Dog Walkers
Fayette County Animal Control is seeking volunteer dog walkers to give homeless dogs in the Animal Shelter some much needed fresh air, exercise, and socialization. Volunteers must be 18 or older and sign a release waiver. Please consider bringing some joy and some “outside time” to a homeless dog for a day. You can enjoy a walk with a grateful pup, and who knows, maybe you will find your own next “best friend”! Sign up at the Animal Shelter, 1262 Hwy 74 South in Peachtree City. Shelter hours: Weekdays 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Saturdays 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Adult Volleyball
Registration is underway for Adult Volleyball Teams. League play begins Monday, August 23. Team registration fee is $230 In-County and $255 Out of County. For more info, go to

Adult Flag Football
Registration is now open, and league play begins Sunday, September 13. Team registration fee is $450 In-County and $475 Out of County. For more information, go to

• Lake McIntosh – Fayette County reports that the dam construction is on schedule for completion in spring 2012.
• Rockaway Road Realignment – This Georgia Department of Transportation project is part of the Hwy 74 South widening. The DOT is anticipating paving the new segment of Rockaway Road this week and rerouting traffic to the new segment once paving is complete. No road closures are anticipated with this part of the project.
• Paschall / Willow / Hwy 74 Tunnel & Path Connections – Work is underway and the project should be completed by August 31, weather permitting.
• Soccer Field Renovations – Baseball/Soccer Complex soccer fields are open, and the Glenloch soccer fields reopen August 23.
• Lacrosse Field Renovations –The two lacrosse fields at Meade Fields (Hwy 74 South at Rockaway Rd.) are closed until August 21 for extensive renovations.
• McIntosh Trail area cart path resurfacing (Path #0801 behind Public Works) – Project should be completed by August 15.

Don’t Forget . . .

Millage Rate Public Hearing #2 – Thursday, August 19, 7:30 a.m., at City Hall.

Army Ground Forces Band @ The Fred – Thursday, August 19. FREE Concert begins at 7:00 p.m. Visit for more information.

City Council Meeting & Millage Rate Public Hearing #3 – Thursday, August 19, 7:00 p.m., at City Hall.

TRI Peachtree City Adult Triathlon – Saturday, August 21, at Drake Field/All Children’s Playground and surrounding streets and paths. Registration begins at 5:30 a.m., race begins at 7:30 a.m. For more information, visit Yard sale enthusiasts are encouraged to review the traffic advisory information that has been published for the annual event.

Fayette County Kids Fishing Derby – Saturday, August 21, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., at Luther Glass Park (Peachtree Parkway South across from Braelinn Village Shopping Center). FREE event. For more information, please contact Cajen Rhodes at .

Youth Basketball Registration – August 21, 22, 28, & 29 at Kedron Fieldhouse. The Peachtree City Youth Basketball Association (PTCYBA) will have registration for the 2010 -11 season in the Kedron gymnasium. Registration is for boys and girls, grades 1-12; $130 for Fayette county residents, $135 for out-of-county (checks and cash ONLY). Registration is 12 – 4:30 p.m. on Saturdays and 1:00 – 4:30 p.m. on Sundays. Visit for more information.