School supplies needed for upcoming school year for needy children


The Newnan-Coweta Habitat for Humanity ReStore is partnering with Alliance for Children’s Enrichment (ACE) to collect school supplies and clothing for needy children in Coweta County.

Items will be collected throughout the months of June and July and will be distributed by ACE at the first annual Back to School Bash to be held on July 31 at Newnan-Utilities Park on Sewell Road in Newnan. In addition to regular ReStore donations, The Habitat ReStore will be accepting new book bags or good quality used ones (with no names written on bag),#2 pencils, notebook paper, erasers, blue, black and red ink pens, colored construction paper, colored 3-prong folders, glue sticks, bottled white glue, colored pencils, crayons, colored markers, blunt tip scissors.

Good quality new or used school appropriate shoes and clothing will also be accepted. Items can be brought to the Habitat ReStore during regular business hours, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday.