Young Professionals Gather ‘Round to Discuss Club Activity


The Young Professionals of Fayette County (YP Fayette) will have a special Round Table Chat prior to their regularly scheduled Speaker N’ a Latte (SNL) meeting on Wednesday, June 30, at the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce (3rd Floor). The meeting will start at 7:45am and include a continental breakfast. The Round Table Chat will cover topics such as current club activities, new steering committee members, and upcoming events. Immediately following the Round Table Chat there will be a presentation by Rob Bensen, President of First Steps Training & Development.

The goal of the YP Fayette is to create networking opportunities, promote community involvement and provide leadership development for men and women between the ages of 21 and 39 who live, work, and play in Fayette County. In addition to monthly SNL meetings, the group gets together once a quarter after work for a “Mix and Mingle” cocktail hour. The group’s other quarterly networking event, called “Meet, Greet, Tweet,” allows members to tell others about their company or job in 140 characters or less. 
RSVP for the June 30 meeting and find out how you can be a part of a rapidly expanding group. The event is $5 for members and $10 for non-members. RSVP to or visit for more information.