More mowing on secondary streets in Peachtree City


Peachtree City is beefing up its mowing schedule for secondary streets.

Perhaps more significantly, the city is putting in more money to start mowing 73 areas that had been abandoned when the city drastically cut back its mowing schedule and a host of public works employees to save more than $900,000.

The City Council earlier this week discussed a need to address the frequency of mowing in some areas, and a citizen complained at a budget meeting about an area near her home that has gone completely unmowed.

The 73 locations which had been abandoned on the city’s mowing schedule will be mowed once every two months. But because they have become so overgrown, the city’s landscaping contractor is charging more for the first mowing: approximately $8,000.

In total, the new changes to the landscaping contract will cost $14,728 for the remainder of the budget year. That money will come from the city council contingency fund.
Council voted unanimously for the changes at Thursday night’s meeting.