Coweta’s unemployment rate drops .6% in April


The unemployment rate for Coweta County fell significantly in April to just over 10 percent, while the jobless rate in the Three Rivers area fell by nearly a full percentage point.

Coweta’s unemployment figures for March showed the jobless rate at 10.8 percent, but the April figures showed a decrease to 10.2 percent, representing 6,097 people out of work in the workforce of 59,697. Coweta’s unemployment rate one year ago was 8.8 percent.

Jobless figures for Newnan decreased slightly in April. The 11.9 percent unemployment rate for March declined to 11.7 percent in April, representing 1,569 people out of work in a workforce of 13,436. Newnan’s unemployment rate was 9.8 percent in April 2009.

The unemployment situation in the 10-county Three Rivers Regional Commission area improved significantly in April, with jobless rates shrinking from 12 percent in March to 11.1 percent in April. The April figures equate to 24,732 people without work in a workforce of 221,817.

And statewide, the 10.4 percent unemployment rate seen in March came in at 9.8 percent in April.

Still above the 8.6 percent jobless rate a year ago, April’s unemployment figures represent 460,777 people out of work.

And across the U.S. the jobless rate for April a decrease from 10.2 percent in March to 9.5 percent in April.

Unemployment figures do not reflect the people that are underemployed, taking part-time jobs in the absence of full-time employment, and those who have given up on finding a job and have stopped looking.