VBS Top Ten


VBS. Vacation Bible School. No, it’s not mentioned in the Bible per se, but what it is, what it gives to children, and what it accomplishes in families is what the message of Jesus and the Bible is all about. Question: will you be sending your children to VBS this summer? I sure hope so.

Most every church in our community will have VBS this summer. Check The Citizen for dates and times that work for you.

Here at Prince of Peace on Hwy. 314 in Fayetteville we will be offering VBS Monday through Friday, June 14-18, 9 a.m. – noon, with a “Celebration Service” on Sunday, June 20, at 9:30 a.m. Prince of Peace is like most all of our churches in the community in that we invite everyone — all children of the surrounding community — to come and experience this event of fun, learning, and spiritual formation. But we, like any other church to which you may send your children for VBS, need to know that they are coming so we can prepare properly for them.

For Prince of Peace, please go online at www.princeofpeacefayette.com and record your registrations. I know our other churches will have similar processes to register. Check it out. You and your children will be glad you did!

The Top 10 Reasons to send your child to VBS:

#10. Get them up off the couch and out of the house, away from T.V. and video games. (We could quit right there as “reason enough,” couldn’t we?)

#9. Let them spend time with school friends they otherwise might not see over the summer, which means they will want to invite their friends to come with them, which is great.

#8. Let them meet new friends. Who knows? Maybe they’ll meet their future “best friends.” And we all know that meeting your friends at church is probably a good thing.

#7. VBS is full of good music. Your children will learn songs with catchy tunes and great wholesome appropriate life-enhancing words. Some of these songs will stick with them all their lives.

#6. Your children will have a teacher at VBS who knows their names, cares about them, loves them, will keep them safe and secure, and be a role model for what being a Christian is all about.

#5. Bring them so your children will know that having a spiritual experience and a spiritual life is important to you, their parents, which will be the most significant influence upon the quality of their lives.

#4. Statistics indicate that one in ten children can grow up to be school drop-outs, non-contributors to society, and alien from their families. However, for children with a spiritual foundation and a church-oriented family the stats change exponentially to be more like only one in thousands to be troubled later in life.

#3. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. To be loved by their parents, family, and significant individuals is so vital in order for your children to experience life in a good way. For them to know they are loved by God makes the experience of life beyond compare. When a child comes to VBS, they’ll know one thing for sure: God loves them, knows their name, and cares about everything they do.

#2. Parents, you love your children and want the best for them. Nothing will tell them you love them more than giving them over to the eternal love of Jesus. Nothing.

#1. Your children are gifts to you parents from God. You honor God’s gift and care most deeply for your children when you introduce your children to God as their Heavenly Father. When you bring your precious children to VBS, you are making and affirming this great introduction. “My little child, this is God. He loves you and has a plan for your life. You are important to Him. You can trust Him. Listen to Him. He has The Way for your life that will make it better than you can even imagine.” And, “God, this is my precious little child. You gave me this gift that is beyond my greatest expectation. I thank You for my child, and to honor You I give You my child so that You can love and guide all the way through.”

Wow! Did you even imagine that’s what you do just by bringing your child or your children to VBS? Oh, VBS is fun, it gives parents a little break in the summer, and might even provide a little “free babysitting.” But, as you can see, it is way more than that. Way more!

[Justin Kollmeyer is senior pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, on Hwy. 314 in Fayetteville, between Lowe’s and The Pavilion. This church conducts its ministry under the stated purpose, “Bringing people closer to Jesus through a focus on the family.” The Children’s Ministry under the direction of Mrs. Deanna McAteer and summer intern Meredith Teat and the Youth Ministry under the direction of Ms. Paula Littleton and summer intern Jennifer White will offer open opportunities all summer and again in the fall. Check it out at www.princeofpeacefayette.com.]