Fayette Commission candidates at Christ Church Monday night


The July 20 primary is closing in. Those interested in hearing from the four candidates for two Fayette County Commission seats can get a closer look Monday night in an event hosted by the Fayette County Tea Party.

The candidates scheduled for the event are Post 5 County Commissioner Eric Maxwell and challenger Allen McCarty of Fayetteville along with Post 4 Commissioner Jack Smith and his challenger, former Peachtree City Mayor Steve Brown.

An informal 30-minute meet and greet period will run from 7:00 – 7:30 p.m.

A formal program will follow at 7:30 p.m. and run until 8:45 p.m. Each candidate will be given three minutes to explain why citizens should vote for them, followed by an audience question and answer period.

Christ Church at Whitewater is located at 1577 Hwy 85 South, Fayetteville.

For more information please contact either: David Barlow 601-906-7167 or email [email protected] or Jim Richter 770-632-9618 or by email at [email protected]