Fayetteville Council considers time limits on downtown parking


The Fayetteville City Council at its May 20 meeting will take a look at imposing time restrictions on public parking near the courthouse square.
Main Street Director Brian Wismer in a May 10 memo said the proposal would create time limits for public parking spaces around courthouse square. City staff are recommending a four-hour time limit between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., seven days a week.

The courthouse square parking spaces would include those on South Glynn Street and on East Stonewall Avenue.

Wismer said that with the potential for at least two new restaurants in the downtown area, available parking spaces will likely be at a premium in the near future.

One casualty of that time limit would be vehicles displaying political signs during election campaigns.

Pickup trucks bearing various candidates’ signs have been a mainstay of the courthouse square for decades now.

Also at the meeting, the council will consider the re-organization of two employee positions.

Finance Director Lynn Robinson is recommending removing the supervisory duties of the Clerk of Court and downgrading the job to a lower city classification. She is also recommending the creation of a new manager’s job description for the city’s Water and Sewer Department.