Man arrested for pointing gun at PTC Taco Bell


A “very minor” dispute outside the Peachtree City Taco Bell Saturday afternoon escalated to the point where a Locust Grove man pulled an air pellet type handgun and pointed it at four people, police said.

Jermal Thomas, 17, of Kings Cove, Locust Grove, was arrested for four counts of aggravated assault, police said.

The Airsoft-type gun is designed to shoot plastic pellets, not bullets, but the charges were necessary because Thomas portrayed it to be a real handgun and pointed it in an offensive nature, police said.

Thomas was on a golf cart at the time and the argument involved several people who had congregated on the outdoor patio area at the restaurant, said Maj. Mike DuPree of the Peachtree City Police Department. The argument was based on a comment made in passing along the lines of “basically what are you looking at type of stuff,” DuPree said.