Youth recreation set to begin in Palmetto


Youth recreation in Palmetto has been a long-discussed need. But now, the non-profit Palmetto Youth League (PYL) is set to begin operations May 1 and will kick things off Apr. 17.

“A great effort has been undertaken to fulfill a need in the community,” said Mayor John Miller. “That need is now being addressed by a partnership with a non-profit that can supply recreational programming.”

PYL Director Bernard Knox said the organization is expecting to provide an array of both indoor and outdoor recreation activities for the city’s young people.

Located at 204 Taylor Circle, the indoor activities at the C.A. Carter Center will include a library/research center, fitness center, book club, arts and crafts, a ping pong and pool table, dance and cheerleading classes, karate and various games. There are no fees associated with the indoor activities, Knox said.

The center will open May 1. Non-school hours of operation will be from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. Mondays-Fridays and from 8 a.m.-noon on Saturdays. An after school program will be available until 7 p.m. Knox said PYL will also operate a summer camp beginning May 31 and ending Aug. 1.

Outdoor sports activities will be held at Palmetto Elementary School on Carlton Road. Those activities will include soccer, kickball, basketball and flag football. Knox said the fee structure for the sports activities has not been determined, though he expected they would range from $50-60.

PYL will have a kick-off of its activities at the Carter Center on Apr. 17 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. The public is invited to attend.

City Administrator Terry Todd said the city is contracting with PYL for recreation services and is allowing the organization to use the Carter Center.
Miller said the city is providing some capital improvements for the facility along with equipment and materials support. Those costs are included in the current budget, he said.

“This is really a partnership on many fronts,” Miller said. “I’m proud of Bernard’s efforts with this project and the efforts he has taken with a lot of local people and business owners, some of whom are serving on the Palmetto Youth League board.”
For more information call 770-463-2260 or visit