Coweta approves intersection work at Lower F’ville and Hwy. 154


Much needed improvements are coming to the intersection of Lower Fayetteville Road and Ga. Highway 154. The Coweta County Commission last week unanimously approved a bid of nearly $700,000 for work that will install a new traffic signal and turns lanes at the intersection.

Commissioners reviewed eight bids received for the project, awarding the contract to low bidder Matriarch Construction Company, Inc. for $697,889.

The project will include the installation of dedicated turn lanes on all sides of the intersection and a replacement for the traffic signal currently in use.
The work will begin in April, with a contract period of 270 days.

Project bids included a range of more than $300,000. The low bid by Matriarch was offset by the high bid of $1.028 million by E.R. Snell.