2010 Miss Pride Pageant starts Friday


The Fayette County High School Band Boosters will sponsor their annual benefit event the Miss Pride of Fayette County Pageant, on Mar. 12 and 13 at F. A. Sams Auditorium in Fayetteville.

In 1969, the then named “Pride of Fayette County Marching Band” had an idea for a fund raiser. Why not have a pageant and call it “Miss Pride of Fayette County?” The rest is history and a tradition in Fayette County. This year marks the 42nd year of the pageant. The pageant gives young women from the age of 3 to seniors in high school the opportunity to prove why they are the pride of Fayette County.

For the second consecutive year, Dr. Scott McPherson has donated a $1,000 scholarship for the high school winner. Approximately 100 contestants are expected to participate in the pageant this year, making it one of the largest contests of its kind in the state. The winner will participate in several parades and make other public appearances during their reign.

Previous winners of the Miss Pride of Fayette County pageant have gone on to win other titles such as Miss Georgia Teen USA, and Miss Petite International.

New this year, will be a Fashion Show featuring some of the boys from the Fayette County High School band for the Jr. Miss Pride Pageant and the Miss Pride Pageant.

“ Since this is a fund raiser for the band, we thought that featuring some of the band members would add more interest to the shows, and help increase the attendance,” said Gay Cera, one of the directors of the event. “It will be a highlight of the pageants on both Friday and Saturday nights, and hopefully it will be fun for the audience.”

For 2010, Gina McKinney and Cera have volunteered as Directors. Both McKinney and Cera have multiple years experience in pageantry, and this is their third year as directors. Back by popular demand, Keith Sharp, a talented singer and actor, will again act as the Master of Ceremonies for the sixth year in a row. Sharp will field questions to the contestants who are also judged on poise, personality, beauty and confidence. Sharp will also provide the pageant entertainment, singing for audiences.

The directors are encouraging the parents to keep the contestants to look age appropriate.

“We want the 3 year old girls to look like they are 3 years old or a 6 year old who has lost their front teeth to look like they are 6 years old,” siad Cera. “We are looking for a natural look and strongly discourage make-up on the 3-4 year olds and on the girls in elementary school. Did you see a picture of our Tiny Miss Pride that won in 2009? She is adorable and looks exactly like a 4 year old little girl.”

The pageant is open to all girls who reside in Fayette County ages 3-4 and grades K-12. Contestant hopefuls must reside in Fayette County and be 3 years old by September 1, 2009. Applications were due by Feb. 27. However, late entries will be accepted for an additional fee up until the date of rehearsals. Applications are available at Fayette County Schools and are available for download at MissPrideofFayetteCounty.com. Mandatory rehearsals will be held for each age group, beginning with Tiny Miss Pride rehearsals on Monday, Mar. 8 and ending with Junior Miss Pride rehearsals on Wednesday, Mar. 10.

The pageant is being held at Sams Auditorium in Fayetteville. Tickets are $6 for individual pageants or $11 for all five pageants. Tickets will be available at the door.

DVDs of each of the five pageants will be available for purchase. Organizers have hired a professional videographer to film the five events. Also, on hand will be a professional photographer to take pictures of the contestants.
On Friday evening, the Junior Miss Pride pageant begins at 8 p.m. for girls in 6-8 grade. Saturday’s event begins at 11 a.m. with Tiny Miss Pride for 3-4 year olds; at 1:30 p.m., Little Miss Pride for K-2nd grade; at 4:30 p.m. for Young Miss Pride 3-5th grade; and Miss Pride for 9th -12th grade will begin at 8 p.m.

Those interested in competing and have not submitted their application, may call either director, Ms. McKinney or Ms. Cera, to notify of their interest, and to bring their application form to their age group’s selected rehearsal time. Rehearsal dates and times may be found on the online application forms.
If you are interested in additional information, please contact the web site at MissPrideofFayetteCounty.com, or contact Ms. McKinney at 770-842-3710 or Ms. Cera at 404-402-6150.