Whitewater hosts eighth grade parent night Mar. 9


Whitewater High School will be hosting 8th grade parent night on Mar. 9 at 6:30 p.m. in the WHS auditorium.

Parents and upcoming 9th grade students are encouraged to attend this event. Information will be given regarding graduation requirements, course selections and extracurricular activities available to the student. In addition students will learn how to sign up for elective classes using the Infinite Campus Student or Parent Portal.

Tours will be given on Thursday, Mar. 11 and Friday Mar. 12 for rising freshman. Students that are in private school or home school, as well as students currently attending Bennett’s Mill Middle School are encouraged to attend the Thursday 9 a.m. session.

Tours will begin in the auditorium and will be given by the Whitewater Ambassadors.

Students will be given the opportunity to experience the high school setting during the regular school day