‘March for Meals’ to benefit Fayette’s Meals on Wheels


Fayette Senior Services will host its second annual “March for Meals,” a 1 Mile/5K Fun Walk/Run on Saturday, March 20 to benefit Fayette’s Meals On Wheels program.

This year the race will begin and end at Fayette Senior Services Center, 4 Center Drive in Fayetteville, across from the Fayette County Justice Center. This event is held in conjunction with the Meals on Wheels Association of America’s national “March for Meals” campaign to raise awareness for senior hunger.

Participant check-in begins at 8 a.m. and the Walk/Run starts at 9:00 a.m. with awards and lunch immediately following the event.

The registration fee is $30 per applicant ($35 after March 6) and includes lunch, goodie bag, and commemorative t-shirt. Race day registration is available but t-shirts are not guaranteed for registrations received after March 6, 2010. Team groups of 12 or more are welcome. There is no minimum or maximum age to participate. 5K awards will be given to the individual with the fastest time in each age group. The 1 mile awards will be given to the top three finishers. Spectators will be able to purchase lunch for just $5.

Registration forms are available at Fayette Senior Services Center at 4 Center Drive, Fayetteville and online at www.FayetteSeniors.org.

Fayette Senior Services, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, delivers more than 40,000 meals annually to older adults in Fayette County. Meals On Wheels is a needs-based program for seniors who have difficulty preparing or purchasing a nutritious meal for themselves. The meals are delivered by volunteers who often provide the only social contact a homebound senior will have each week. Executive Director, Debbie Britt explains, “We are anticipating more government budget cuts to our Meals On Wheels program this year, and March For Meals a very important proactive measure to ensure the sustainability of the program. The demand for service continues to increase each month and we are committed to making sure that no senior goes hungry in Fayette County.”

Race Director, Dawn Davis adds, “Walkers and runners of all ages are invited to participate in this fun event. It’s a good experience for all the participants, while raising funds for a very worthwhile cause. The Meals on Wheels program is an essential service that helps seniors remain independent and improve their quality of life.” Davis is also the Fitness Coordinator at Fayette Senior Services Life Enrichment Center.

Fayette Senior Services, Inc. (FSS) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization offering older adults, age 50 and better, the opportunity to be involved in a variety of social, leisure, educational, wellness and life-enriching activities at its beautiful Life Enrichment Center in Fayetteville. Since 1978, FSS has been the designated aging service provider for Fayette County providing services that help seniors remain independent and improve their quality of life. Our Social Services include: Meals On Wheels, Transportation, Adult Day Care Referral Service, Information & Assistance, In-Home Personal Care/Homemaker Services, Case Management, and Tool Team Home Repair Service. www.FayetteSeniors.org. 770-461-0813.