Right of way secured for Paschall tunnel


Peachtree City now has the necessary rights of way necessary for the new cart path tunnel underneath Ga. Highway 74 at Paschall Road, city officials said.
Last week the city council accepted right of way from Frank Cawood and Associates. Previously the city has accepted additional right of way from Peachtree Villas and a nearby doctor’s office.

The right of way will allow the city to proceed with building paths leading to the tunnel on both sides of the highway, said City Engineer David Borkowski. A bid is expected to be awarded for the project at the March 4 council meeting.

The tunnel will ultimately be connected to a path that will lead north on the west side of Hwy. 74 to The Avenue shopping center, Borkowski said. But the city is waiting for right of way confirmation for that project from the adjacent Menlo Park business and also the U.S. Postal Service, as part of the path will need to be located on the property of the post office.

That path will be about 20 feet off the edge of the highway.

The tunnel was installed by a contractor for the Georgia Department of Transportation as part of the project to widen Hwy. 74 from two to six lanes.

The city is responsible for funding the approach paths to both sides of the tunnel.