Senoia drops rental rate on Stone Lodge


It is a beautiful building whose name says it all. The city-owned Stone Lodge at Marimac Lake in Senoia makes a unique location for all types of special events. But the rental rate was deemed too costly and led to a rate reduction at the Jan. 18 City Council meeting.

City administrator Richard Ferry led the rental rate discussion on both the Stone Lodge off Pylant Street and the Freeman Sasser Building at Seavy Street Park.

“The market showed us the amount we were charging was too high,” Ferry said of the Stone Lodge, adding that potential renters had turned the location down due to the price.

The rate increase of $450 for city residents and $600 for non-residents in 2009 had resulted in no rentals, Ferry said.

After a brief discussion the council voted to drop the rate to $300 for residents and $400 for non-residents.

The council in considering the rental rate at the Freeman Sasser Building decided to maintain the current rate of $150 for residents and $200 for non-residents.