Imker: ‘Will vote for city, not re-election’


Thank you to all who voted. The city won.
The new council has a lot of challenges ahead, but I am confident our village concept will be secure.
I’m offering everyone unhindered access to me. If you ever see anything of concern developing, please let me know. I expect to be taken to the mat if I vote for anything other than what’s in the best interest of the city.
I campaigned on a platform of the village concept and I will honor that promise. Every one of my votes will be for the city and not in any way an attempt to get reelected. Getting reelected is not my goal. I am not nor will I become a career politician.
Right now the budget will be my number one priority, which should not be a surprise to anyone who had been tracking my campaign. I’m looking for long-term solutions, not just next year’s budget problem.
We need a budget that is sustainable based on the taxes we know we’re going to have as revenue. Our budget must not include city reserves or potential taxes that come and go over the years.
I intend to be the council’s loudest but respectful voice on the budget and living within our means.
I will also work on getting our industrial park and commercial areas filled. There are many incentives that can be offered that will draw businesses in. I’m looking for long-term, not short-term commitments. Again, thank you for voting and may we all prosper together.
Eric Imker
Peachtree City Councilman, Post 1

[Imker was sworn in Monday to fill the remaining two years on Don Haddix’s unexpired term. Haddix resigned to run for mayor and was elected in the runoff last week. Haddix’s four-year term as mayor begins Jan. 1.]