Christmas Bazaar at Sharpsburg Baptist planned for this Saturday


The third annual “Old Fashioned Christmas Bazaar” plus this years’ chicken barbecue will be held Saturday, Dec. 5, at Sharpsburg Baptist Church. The Bazaar, sponsored by the Olive Branch ladies group, will run from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Among the many items included will be homemade jams, jellies, relish, baked goods and other goodies. There will also be a White Elephant table offering a variety of crafts, toys, gifts for all ages. Enjoy warm cider and cookies at the hospitality table.
The chicken barbecue, available from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., includes 1⁄2 chicken, slaw, bread, chips and tea. The cost is $7 a plate and is a fundraiser for the children’s recreation area. Takeouts are available.
Sharpsburg Baptist Church is at 6413 Hwy. 54 in Sharpsburg, just south of the post office.
For additional information, call Sharpsburg Baptist, 770-251-6963, and leave a message for the event organizer Anne Jamison.