Providence UMC kids enjoy successful Mission Week


June 27-29 was Mission Week for middle school students at Providence United Methodist Church.

Middle school ministry director Sarah Beatty explains, “Each summer our rising sixth-eighth grade students spend several days in mission. This year, in addition to helping build homes through Square Foot Ministry in early June, for June 27-29 we went to the Midwest Food Bank, worked on two projects at church, then went to The Bloom Closet.”

Senior pastor Herb Flanders adds, “We are proud of these students for knowing how important it is to serve others.”

Providence is at 592 Bernhard Road in southern Fayette County between Redwine Road and Ga. Highway 85. Visit for info or call 770-719-8800.

Attending Providence UMC’s Mission Week activities were:  front row (L-R), Robert Kirsch, Sam Vice, David Bowers, Evan Lacey, Patrick Lacey, Abby Miles, Kate Ferry, Elijah Strohmann, and Eliza Little; middle row (L-R), Peyton Jones, Riley Jones, Lucy Little, Shannon Ferry, Anna Miles, Noah Ellis, Emily Moye, Isabella Kirsch, Makayla Swanson, Hannah Coleman, and Harrison Jaenke; back row (L-R),  MFB staff, Matt Bowers, Deidre Jones, Joshua Villars, Paul Childs, Michelle Villars, Chase Roosen, Cooper Jaenke, Bailey Vice, Andrew Villars, Bret Myers, Noah Ellis, Niko Schwab, Kirsten Schwab, Shele Ferry, Nicholas Haney, Michelle Schwab, and Sarah Beatty. Photo/Special.