Kim is new pastoral intern at COS


The congregation of Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church has welcomed pastoral intern Young Kim. She will serve until May, 2016.

A native of South Korea, Kim is the daughter of a Presbyterian pastor. Persistently encouraged by her father, she went to seminary and earned a master of divinity degree.

Despite her call to ministry, she was barred from ordination by her Korean Presbyterian church because she is a woman.

A visiting American pastor of a Korean congregation in the Atlanta area told her of opportunities for women in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Responding to the Spirit’s leadership, she moved to Georgia in 2008, and is now enrolled in Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur to pursue a degree in pastoral care and counseling.

Kim is a mission developer of Hope International Mission in Doraville, and she will continue her relationship with that congregation.   

Carol Jensen-Linton, Christ Our Shepherd’s internship committee chairperson says, “Young is an “insightful, courageous, and very dedicated young woman.”

Under the supervision of Christ Our Shepherd’s pastor, Fritz Wiese, Kim will be responsible for all the roles of a pastor except presiding at the sacraments.