Early voting starts in PTC, Tyrone


    Early and absentee voting for the elections in Peachtree City and Tyrone starts Monday at each municipality’s respective library.

    Registered voters will be able to cast ballots Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at both library facilities through Friday, Nov. 1. Those seeking a larger window of time can wait until election day itself on Nov. 5 when their individual precinct will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

    Those who are unclear about their precinct location may use the Secretary of State’s website to find it. The “My Voter Page” is located at mvp.sos.georgia.gov. Users will have to plug in some of their biographical information to determine their polling location.

    Voters in Peachtree City have a lot of legwork to do before hitting the polls, as there are five residents running for the mayor’s seat alone, and three other council seats to fill. Tyrone voters have it a bit easier with just one decision to make: who to pick for the Post 3 seat on town council.