CANA Bishop confirms 14 at All Saints Anglican


Fourteen members of All Saints Anglican Church were confirmed recently by the Right Rev. David Anderson of the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA).

All Saints’ rector, the Rev. Michael Fry, assisted as the following parishioners were confirmed: Douglas James Abrams, Kelly Lorraine Abrams, Madeleine Faye Ballentine, Pierce Charles Dietrich, Elliot Durrant Bauer, Lotanna Adannaya Erinne, Paul Erinne, Somto Chukwunnaemeka Erinne, Ugonna Odinnakaolisa Erinne, Kylee Alene Greiner, Christopher Michael Murphy, Bernard Everett Richards, Chelsea Renee Richards, and Savanna Jean Richards.

Also during the ceremony, Ronald Francis Bauer was received into the parish and Ann Marie Richards renewed her vows.

Sunday’s ceremony involved a public reaffirmation by the candidates, or “confirmands,” of their faith and commitment to Jesus Christ after completing a preparatory course of study led by Fry. The confirmation rite dates from the 16th century when it was included in the Book of Common Prayer by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer.

All Saints has been located at 225 South Peachtree Pkwy. in Peachtree City since early fall of last year. Fry, the church’s first rector, was called several months after the church was formed in 2007. In late 2009, the Rev. Ray Greiner joined the staff as associate priest.

Anderson, who wears a second hat as president and CEO of the American Anglican Council, spoke briefly about growth in the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), the governing organization of CANA and All Saints. It consolidated a number of orthodox Anglican groups and parishes when it was created recently.

Anderson also described the proposed new ACNA Diocese of the Southeast of which All Saints will be a part. The Rev. Foley Beach of Loganville has been nominated as bishop to lead the new diocese.

Not shown but confirmed, Savanna Jean Richards. Not shown but reaffirmed, Ann Marie Richards. Not shown but received, Ronald Francis Bauer.