Some kudos to PTC


Peachtree City is looking very good nowadays. With the guidance of City Council and professional leadership of city staff the dedication and skill of the employees has resulted in a city of which all of us can be proud.

The police department is doing great things with the My Community Officer program. The fire department continues to do its own interaction with the citizens with the recent holiday fire engine trek throughout the city collecting donations. We are a safe community thanks to the professionalism of both our police and fire departments.

Public Works needs to be greatly congratulated for the outstanding work with cart path improvements and especially the Drake Field transformation. I believe Mayor Fleisch spearheaded the effort and encouraged the park’s improvement to a top notch facility. If you haven’t visited it yet, you must find time to do so. It’s on the other side of city hall from the All Children’s Playground.

The dock improvements at Battery Way with new amenities make for a home-grown feel.

Our commercial and industrial development is a positive. This is a testament that we are still an attractive city for new business. It is also positive that existing commercial/industrial properties are being improved. It means we are aging well.

There are obvious concerns about things like traffic but I know council and staff are working hard to find solutions. If those solutions were easy they’d be done more quickly. Nobody doubts that.

We have an ethnically and religiously diverse populace, home prices and sales remain high, we are well educated and have excellent schools. Peachtree City remains a very sought after city to live in with its good reputation thanks to City Council and the city employees.

I’m sure I’ve missed quite a few improvements and hopefully Mayor Fleisch will do a better job summarizing them in the annual state of the city address in a few months.

Happy holidays.
Eric Imker
Peachtree City, Ga.