Second revolution after Trump wins


The second American Revolution happened on Election Day. As in the movie “Network,” the Irredeemable Deplorables are mad as hell and are not going to take it anymore. And like Brexit, Americans are tired of the pompous Washington political elite, both Republican and Democrat, telling us how we are to live, what we should eat, what is PC and what is not. What bathroom to use.

Our taxes are confiscated to pay Planned Parenthood to perform abortions. We are tired of social engineering, tired of defining down deviance by presidential fiat, tired of Common Core, tired of a failed healthcare insurance system, tired of apologizing to the world for not being exceptional Americans.

We are even blamed for causing climate change.

The defeat of liberalism was a surprise only to Democrat liberals and RINOs because they live in their own self-absorbed, narcissistic bubble, inviting each other to their persnickety cocktail parties, bloviating with pinky extended into the air to impress.

The George Stephanopouloses of the world enable, pamper and tell them what they want to hear. This is why they can’t relate to us and the outside real world.

This was not a Republican victory. It was a de facto third-party populist movement victory, no thanks to, as Rev. Gov. Mike Huckabee calls the “bedwetters” never-Trumpers: John Kasich, Mitt Romney, the Bushes, John McCain, Colin Powell, John Warner, Mia Love, the media and others who marginalized, demonized and worked against Trump. Their political fortunes, if any, are most assuredly dashed.

The liberal arrogant also underestimated the power of prayer, anathema to the Democrat platform.

As an unexpected pleasant surprise clergy of all denominations stepped out of their comfort zones in support of Christian values and didn’t lose any sleep over their “tax exempt status.” Churches were packed on Election Day, well into the night, something foreign to the Washington cognoscenti.

Although Obama came into office with friendly branches of government, he will leave with no legacy of worth.

Hillary Clinton leaves beaten, disgraced, a potential felon and on bended knee, humiliated before Obama, calling in a chip for a pardon. Very sad.

Michael Velsmid
Peachtree City, Ga.