Tyrone passes $3.14M budget


Tyrone’s FY 2016 general fund budget that began July 1 totaling $3.141 million represents a minor increase, approximately $35,000, over the FY 2015 budget it replaced.

Mayor Eric Dial said the town had three commitments at the forefront of consideration where the budget is concerned. Those include public safety, infrastructure and lean operating costs.

“In public safety, we recognize the current climate across the country and we’re 100 percent committed to remaining one of the safest cities in Georgia,” Dial said, adding that the town wants to both retain current officers and attract new ones. “And we are 100 percent committed to public safety.”

In that regard, the council approved a 5 percent across the board increase for the police department along with the existing merit increase program.

While other town employees did not receive an across the board raise, they are eligible for increases through the merit program.

In terms of infrastructure, Dial said the town will continue to address improvement such as street resurfacing.

“We have $200,000 committed to cart path expansion and improvement,” Dial said, noting that those improvements have been requested by citizens.

Dial said the town is also looking at ways to improve the look of the downtown corridor.

In the past four years, Tyrone’s general fund budget has fluctuated only slightly, ranging from $3.101 million to the current $3.141 million.

Dial said the millage rate hold hold steady at 2.889 mills, the same rate seen by the town for years.

The rate will have to be advertised as a tax increase due to the rise in property values experienced this year in Tyrone and throughout Fayette County.