Artist event Aug. 7


Mick Brandenberger will give a brief presentation about his paintings Sunday, Aug. 7, at 1:30 p.m. in the Storytime room of the Peachtree City Library.

He and fellow artist Julie Nestor will be on hand at 2 p.m. for “Meet the Artists,” when both can be found in the vicinity of their art exhibit near the library’s front entrance.

“Meet the Artists” gives the public the opportunity to visit and ask questions of the artists that display their work in the library on behalf of the Fayette Society of Fine Art and the Newnan-Coweta Art Association, Inc.  

Mick received a Bachelors of Fine Art and a Masters of Art Education at the University of South Florida. Later he worked on postgraduate studies at New York University as a doctoral candidate.  He has exhibited in numerous art shows and has received many awards.

Artist Julie Nestor works in both pastels and oils.  Among her favorite subjects to paint are the horses that she and her husband breed on their farm in Brooks.

In addition to the two local associations’ artists, the exhibit of works by artist Guanyu Shi continues until Aug. 31.  Also, be sure to enjoy the photo tape-up show with over 30 photographers’ take on “Summer,” a collaboration with the Fayette Arts Collective.  

For more information, contact Rebecca Watts, adult services librarian, Peachtree City Library, at 770-631-2520.