Religion Briefs 07/28/15


Back-to-school fun day
Fellowship of Love Church in Fayetteville will host a “Back-To-School Empowerment and Fun Day” on Saturday, Aug. 1,  from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at North Fayette Elementary School, 609 Kenwood Rd. in Fayetteville. The Event will provide free backpacks and school supplies for grades K-5, as well as free haircuts for children in need. There will also be a variety of fun activities including a game truck, zorb ball, strikeforce, bouncy house, laser tag, water blaster and face painting.  For more information, send emails to or call 770-460-7983.

Providence to offer DivorceCare
Providence United Methodist Church will offer DivorceCare on Monday evenings from 6:30-8 p.m. Aug. 10-Nov. 16 with no class Sept. 7 or Oct. 12. The class helps those who are going through separation or divorce get through those difficult days. DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) will be offered for kindergarten-12 year old children. For more information on the class  or to sign up, contact Linda Schmid at 678-777-5401or Providence UMC is at 592 Bernhard Road between Ga. Highway 85 and Redwine Road in southern Fayette County.

PUMC to offer Community Bible Study
Registration is now open for Community Bible Study’s 2015-2016 study of Daniel and Revelation. The Bible study begins Friday Sept. 4 at ProvidenceUnited Methodist Church. Contact or 770-716-7405 for registration details for adults and children.