Madden: Why I’m running for Peachtree City Council


I’m committed to maintaining the quality of life that brought me, my family, and others to our beautiful Peachtree City. My three sons were educated in our superior school system where my wife, Kim, has taught for 14 years.

Kevin, Danny, and Will have commuted to school and work on our multi-purpose paths, and I’ve been privileged to coach them at our excellent sports venues in baseball, soccer, and hockey. We’ve all enjoyed the concerts at “The Fred”; the Fourth of July parades and fireworks; Shakerag; Dragon Boats; and a vibrant community that’s an envy to all in which to raise our families.

The Peachtree City first responders keep us all safe and secure, and they deserve nothing less than the best training and equipment to do their jobs and to get them home safely to their families. Nothing affects our day-to-day life as much as our local government, and it is our responsibility to insure that government represents us in the most effective manner. Our tax revenues need to be carefully allocated in the most efficient way to comply with the wishes of the citizens.

In my 40-plus years in the airline industry, I’ve managed multi-million dollar budgets, facilities, and staff. I bring with me the requisite knowledge, experience, and skills to work with our mayor and city council.

The dreams of our Peachtree City founders are alive and well. I’ve seen them in the smiling faces of the children in our parks and playgrounds and in the satisfaction of our seniors who remain mobile and self-sufficient on their golf carts.

I live those dreams every day as I turn south on Peachtree Parkway off Ga. Highway 74 and drive those last few miles through the woods and lakes to my home.

We live in a special city. With your support I promise to work to keep it that way.

Kevin Madden
Candidate for Peachtree City Council
Peachtree City, Ga.

[Editor’s note: In accordance with our policy adopted in 2013, each local political candidate is offered one opportunity for a free letter of announcement of candidacy following close of qualifying. This is that letter for Mr. Madden.]