Fayette schools dress code: New rules focus on ‘modesty and respect’


The Fayette County Board of Education on June 19 got a look at proposed changes to the student dress code. If approved in July, the changes will become effective in August.

Safety/Discipline/Athletics Coordinator Ted Lombard said the 26-person committee focused their work from the perspective of modesty and respect.

The proposed dress code changes note that, “Fayette County School System students are expected to dress and be groomed in such a way as to reflect neatness, modesty, cleanliness and respect for your school. Students must ensure that their dress does not distract or cause disruption in the educational program or orderly operation of the school. School administrators will be responsible for determining dress code violations. The principal may interpret or add to these provisions as he/she deems to be in the best interest of the school, students or the educational process.”

The following are the proposed standards for school dress:

  1. Garments will cover the waist, shoulders, back, torso, and chest in all situations. Sleeveless shirts must cover the entire width of the shoulders (4-finger test). Backless or strapless dresses or shirts and tank tops/muscle shirts are not to be worn. No skin may show at the waist. No low-cut necklines.
  2. Pants, shorts, slacks, shirts, dresses and skirts will be of appropriate size and fit. Holes must be below the fingertips or mid-thigh. Pants and slacks must not touch the floor. Pants and shorts must always be on the waist. Skirts, dresses or shorts hems must be at or below the fingertips or mid-thigh.
  3. Proper undergarments must be worn. Undergarments must not be exposed.
  4. Clothing containing the following are not allowed: inappropriate language; advertisement of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or sex; suggestive lettering or graphics advocating/ glorifying death and/or violence.
  5. Transparent or mesh clothing must be worn with appropriate clothing underneath.
  6. Trench coats may not be worn inside the building.
  7. Clothing that is extremely form fitting (leggings, yoga pants, leggings, compression shirts, etc.) must be worn with an outer garment of appropriate length (see item #2).
  8. Sleepwear and/or bedroom footwear may not be worn.
  9. Sunglasses may not be worn inside the buildings.
  10. Wallet chains or other type chains that may be dangerous or disruptive may not be worn.
  11. Hats, caps, visors or hoods may not be worn inside the building.
  12. Gang related clothing, bandannas, signs, symbols, and tattoos are not allowed.
  13. Body piercing or tattoos that are disruptive, offensive or dangerous are not allowed.

The dress code will come up for a vote at the July regular meeting.

Board members were told the changes were based on recommendations by a committee consisting of school and district administrators, teachers and parents from all levels and high school students.