The Carnegie is offering contests


The Newnan Coweta-Art Association and Children Connect: Newnan Children’s Museum are gearing up to do another fabulous art installation of large fiberglass pieces painted by local artists. The theme for this new art installation will be “Newnan, a Storybook Town.” Included as part of this new installation will be the publication of a Newnan storybook written and illustrated by a local author and artist. To that end, the Newnan Carnegie Library is hosting two concurrent contests to find our author and illustrator! The entries will be judged by a panel including members of the Newnan Coweta Art Association, The Newnan Coweta Historical Society, and staff from the Newnan Carnegie Library.

Contest 1:

We invite participants to send in entries consisting of children’s picture book length stories that touch on the history of the city of Newnan and include farmyard animal characters such as donkeys, pigs, sheep, and cows. The winning story will be published as a storybook locally along with illustrations from the winning illustrator.

Contest 2:

We invite participants to submit two illustrations of farmyard animals suitable for characters in a children’s storybook. The winning illustrator will be asked to illustrate the winning story for a completed storybook to be published in anticipation of the new fiberglass art installation in Newnan.

Artists and writers are welcome to enter both contests simultaneously.

Deadline for entry into both contests is July 31. Please submit entries in person at the Newnan Carnegie Library located at 1 LaGrange St. Newnan, Ga. 30263 or by email to For questions, please contact the Carnegie at 770-683-1347.

Profits from the initial printings of the resulting storybook will benefit Children Connect: Newnan’s Children’s Museum.