The Confederate flag and its meaning to many people


The Confederacy is part of American history. The South and the North, at the end of the Civil War, came together to continue the goal of forming a more perfect union. The Confederacy over the years has claimed different flags to represent its historical contribution to the history of the United States.

There are those who insist that the Civil War was not about slavery but about states rights. There are those who interpret this claim of states right’ to mean the right to own humans as slaves. Slavery of humans ended as a legal situation in our country at the end of the Civil War.

Today, one of the flags that represented the Confederacy is now associated with white supremacy. This flag is flown by some in recognition of Southern pride. It is also associated with the hateful and terroristic acts of the KKK, the white nationalists and other groups that strike fear in the hearts of Americans of color – even in 2017 — years after the end of the Civil War.

No part of American history should be hidden or forgotten. Unfortunately, groups like the KKK and the neo-Nazis have adopted a flag from the Confederacy to promote hate and murder during my lifetime.

I am grateful to the residents of Fayette County who proudly display a Confederate flag in 2017 that does not represent hate and bigotry but Southern pride.

Take down/stop displaying a flag that was proudly displayed in the home of a young man who murdered Americans as they worshipped in their church. In 2017 that flag represents the shame of our country – not Southern pride.

Sandra H. Wilkins
Fayetteville, Ga.