Fayette looks at new rules for bed and breakfast inns

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The main focus of the March 23 meeting of the Fayette County Commission is likely to be several public hearings on ordinance amendments dealing with bed and breakfast businesses.

One of the four public hearings will address amendments to planned residential and business construction in the Planned Residential and Business Development-Planned Unit Development zoning district.

Staff said the county has been approached by individuals wanting a mixed-use development consisting of a principal single-family residence with an incidental business run from a detached structure on the same property. Such a use is not currently allowed, staff said.

Commissioners will consider a number of amendments to the ordinance that would include a minimum 15-acre lot size, a structural height limit of 35 feet and hours of operation limited to 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

A second hearing will address potential amendments to a number of zoning districts as they relate to A-R (agricultural-residential) Bed and Breakfast Inn use.

A third public hearing will consider amendments to the Hotel and Motel Tax as it relates to A-R Bed and Breakfast Inn use.

The final hearing, again addressing A-R Bed and Breakfast Inn issues, will center on the Tourist Accommodations portion of the zoning ordinance.