Thanks for helping soldiers’ families for holidays


Dear citizens of Fayette County: Wow! It was absolutely amazing to see the faces of so many brave little soldiers at Fort Benning when Santa came into the room laden with all of the wonderful gifts you so generously donated this past holiday season.

I know it’s a cliche, but they lit up like a Christmas tree and their collective glee sounded like a chorus of angels.

What a joy it was to be able to see these children having such a good time when so much of their days and nights revolve around wondering when – or if – mommy or daddy is coming home from the war.

For a brief time over 1,000 children got to be, well, children. They got to celebrate the season and forget for a bit that nagging uncertainty that is a part of their everyday lives.

It was also such a treat to see the reassurance on the faces of the waiting parents; and we’re told constantly how much it means to the soldiers that someone is taking care of their families.

It has been eight years since our mission started, and you have never failed to come through. I wish each and every one of you could see how happy you have made our littlest soldiers and their families.

Your generosity didn’t stop there. In addition to Santa’s visit, you went above and beyond in providing Christmas to 12 very needy and most deserving families. These families were facing hardship before their loved one deployed, and the deployment made their situation even worse. Without your help, these families would have had no Christmas at all.

I wish I could thank each and every one of you by name, but that’s not possible in this forum. Please know that your generosity means more to me than words can express.

There are, however, a few organizations that I would like to mention. My thanks go out to Clothes Less Traveled, Fayette Senior Services Center, The Kiwanis Club, The Republican Party of Fayette County and several of our schools.

When I asked for your help in my last letter, I said I was thinking about a song that ends with the line, “and the difference is you.”] That couldn’t be more true.

Fayette County, you are making a huge difference. Eight years ago, I saw the need to help the children of deployed soldiers. You have made my dream a reality. There is no way I could do this without you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you and God bless.

Cathy McMullen

Embracing Military Families

Peachtree City, Ga.