City locks restrooms from its own citizens


We have a group of over 50 casual tennis players that use the Glenloch tennis courts so we do not conflict with the more serious tennis players who use the tennis center.

A few months ago, we tried to obtain a key to the restrooms at Glenloch. We sent emails to the recreation staff that were never answered. We offered to put up a $75 deposit for a key. We sent one of our players to the recreation department, and were told that only people that were doing business with the department could have a key. I guess this doesn’t apply to soccer players — they get a key.

I sent emails to the PTC mayor and council members. Only the mayor was good enough to email me back. The mayor referred my request to the city manager, and he did what I expected. He did nothing, he didn’t even email me back.

The cavalier behavior of these city workers is very [disturbing]. They are rude to the taxpayers who pay their hefty salaries for their secure jobs. When someone that pays city taxes asks them a question, they should at least have the decency to answer.

Our group is made up of educators, medics, pilots and so forth. We would like to think of ourselves as responsible citizens. Well, maybe not the pilots, but most of us are good taxpaying citizens who can’t understand why we can’t have a restroom key, so we can go in peace.

Lou DeFranco

Peachtree City, Ga.