OM will host Open House for HSI Friday


Heart Sounds International, a global worship and recording ministry of Operation Mobilization, will celebrate its 10th Anniversary with an Open House from 7:30-9 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 15, at the OM USA Worship Center in Tyrone. Refreshments will be served.

Those attending will meet the HSI team coming in from many parts of the country and overseas, will see and hear selected excerpts from the ministry’s ten years and over 50 projects, and will witness the commissioning of three project leaders for China, SE Asia and Siberia.

Projects have included indigenous recordings, song writing events, new song concerts, teaching on biblical worship, launching a YouTube channel, releasing a book on global worship, created compilation CDs and other initiatives.

Various stories will be shared on how a team in South Africa captured an entire recording project on a video camera when the state-of-the-art recording equipment crashed; how an HSI team set up a video studio in Algeria which resulted in a dozen churches planted from the follow up of the broadcasts; how HSI teams did indigenous worship projects from the freezing cold Himalaya mountains to the sweltering heat of Pakistan; how HSI recorded the worship music of the world’s most persecuted tribe in the Sudan; and how HSI recorded over 170 new Christian songs in Malawi in 10 venues in 10 days.

Videos will be shown of people groups in distant places singing and dancing their worship and of the very first recorded Christian songs in totally restricted parts of the world.

Also available will be a special gift of HSI’s unique compilation recording of global worship and other materials.

OM is at 285 Lynnwood Ave. in Tyrone.